Showing posts with label Oso. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oso. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Dark Night of the Soul

It is dark.
Day has broken, but a blackness pervades.
The hills are dark: a dark night for the soul of mankind.
The world churns and souls cry out:
in the Indian Ocean, in Oso, in Egypt.
The soul of mankind separate from God. 

The oceans swallow up the living as we curse the oceans.
The soil under our feet quakes and separates.
The soul quakes and separates.

The grave swallowed Him too. 
Black waves of death washed over Him.
He faced the curse of death and separation from God,
the rending of His soul for the simple. 

A rocky tomb of death sealed Him with rocks.

He rolled away the rocks.

He crushed rocks roiling to encase Him.
Light entered the rocky tomb.

Life entered mankind.
Death was bound.
The chains on my soul transferred to death.

Death now shackled and chained.
My soul free.

Yet, my soul churns. 

It tosses and turns in the dark.
The rain pours down. The soul of the planet groans and quakes.
The dark night of the soul lives on,

where earthly rocks tell time.

But I hold fast to this hope: the grave is overcome.
A real world exists where dark nights are vanquished.

Over the next hill, in a nearby valley, an impenetrable Light breaks forth.
A Light never to be overcome or extinguished. 

One lives there who enters dark souls.
He breathes out Light with each exhale. 
In this valley, the soul of mankind breathes Light.
Human souls: Hope. Live. Pulsate.

Choose the valley of Light.
Choose Light.

Choose the True Pulse of your life.
Live with an eternal pulse.  

The dark night of the soul overwhelms and crushes me.

But I enter it and am not afraid.
My soul cries out and is met in the darkness.

Jesus waits to walk me to the Light.

~ Kim Conolly 2014 
Crying for those we know in Oso, WA who have lost dear ones. Crying for the places our feet have tread and where we've laid our heads, so very near that landslide. Crying for justice for those in Egypt, for surely violence begets violence. No matter our different beliefs, we must take the opportunity to make friend of what some call foe where God calls. Crying for the families of Malaysia Flight 370. May the One who offers true hope be their hope in this devastating time. Crying for the anguish of the world. May humanity know Love.