Friday, September 14, 2018

Summer 2018

Hello, Friends and Loved Ones,

   I am months overdue posting pictures of the past year. Words feel a bit harder to find this fall, and without them I feel I'm just presenting images of our lives with little depth. We are tired, in transition, and in a truly busy busy season of life with one in high school and one in middle school. Time to quit waiting for the words to come and just enjoy reliving the moments. My goal is to post pictures daily until I'm caught up! Enjoy!

Hugs, Kim

We joined the hubby on a work trip in WA in July.

He spent oodles of time on his bum after knee surgery.

Still, the beautiful location afforded a lot of time for games, reading, writing, and movies.
A late summer ROV project.
A quick trip to the coast for lunch in Newport.
Lovely beach time with the god siblings.
Another year older!

Sunday, July 8, 2018

A Few Pics from PA

Tuquan Glen, Lancaster County, PA
Baltimore by boat & Fort McHenry (Star Spangled Banner), and thank you to an aunt who hosted us overnight.
Baltimore Waterfront. The National Aquarium is amazing, but blah, I got no great pictures. I am seriously camera rusty.
Off to Longwood Gardens. Amazing. Fascinating. Magical.
These girls got to spend some time together while the boys were at rock camp.
Love these dear friends so much!
A conservatory the size of a Costco. Swoon.

One drop off at camp picture was all I got.

Spring Pictures in Oregon

This nifty little plane has been a huge birthday hit!
A glorious hike at Cascade Head with the Coast Guard at play, or rather practice.
A free Thorns game at Providence Park.
Spring goat babies

The birthday boy!
What's that you say?

Hanging out in Olympia, WA.
At the British Royal Museum in Victoria, BC. 

No...we did not try for tea at the Empress!
Adorable, as was the Canadian exchange rate.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Welcome to the Nut House

 I picked up this sign for the house. 
It aptly fits this season of our lives.
Winter fell slow and then hit hard with 9" of snow around the last bits of March.
Tomorrow we hit 80 degrees, so they say.
 While winter, they got in lots of ice skating
 and even more downhill skiing and snowboarding,
along with some agate hunting on the Oregon Coast.
 Then spring made her first appearance inside an Aunt's barn.
The real deal, that spring weather.
Before we sneezed, thirteen rounded the Easter bend,
throwing us for a loop. 
What a ride it's been, this year.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

On the Eve of Winter

 On the eve of winter, the world feels askew. 
Surely Mary felt: 
the wrong birth, the wrong time, the wrong place, the wrong world.
In her dark times, she was embraced by few.
 In our dark times, we walk Advent together.
We laugh.
 We dance.
 We embrace.
We walk. 
Seeking bravery,
and boldness.
We trust for a guiding light in these dark days.