Because Advent is about waiting and Advent is about birthing. As the New Year approaches, may what has been birthed in you this Advent blossom.
In the manger, dark and deep
there lies a babe, who cannot sleep.
The animals sing a song of warmth.
Breath hangs in the air.
Life hums.
The babe, does he know?
Does his sweet face show?
In the manger, dark and deep
there lies a babe, who cannot sleep.
The animals sing a song of warmth.
Breath hangs in the air.
Life hums.
The babe, does he know?
Does his sweet face show?
He, the hope of all.
His mama sings a lullaby.
She knows.
His mama sings a lullaby.
She knows.
Yes, she knows.
This babe, her babe, is gift to man.
This babe, her babe, is gift to man.
All men.
Every man.
She snuggles him close.
She'll cherish his days, his cries
his laughter, and his sighs.
Waiting is over.
She snuggles him close.
She'll cherish his days, his cries
his laughter, and his sighs.
Waiting is over.
Expectations and hopes met.
Fulfilled every moment.
No longer pregnant with expectation, but birth.
Life. Breath. Hope.
He grasps her finger.
He reaches out.
He will grip them.
They grasp.
But will they grasp Him?
His fingers extend to the world.
Healing in his touch.
Miracles occurring in the darkness.
Healing in his touch.
Miracles occurring in the darkness.
And out of the dark shines light.
The day is beginning.
Dawn rising bright.
Hope of all life.
Grasp Him.