Friday, February 8, 2013

National Engineering Week February 17th-23rd

The Knack
 Dedicated to the ham radio lover in my life!
 An engineer is a professional practitioner of engineering, concerned with applying scientific knowledge, mathematics and ingenuity to develop solutions for technical problems. Engineers design materials, structures and systems while considering the limitations imposed by practicality, safety and cost. The word engineer is derived from the Latin roots ingeniare ("to contrive, devise") and ingenium ("cleverness") (Wikipedia)

National Engineering Week will soon be upon us. In honor of the wonderful engineers in our family, I thought I'd post some resources. My plan between now and the 17th is to come up with 3 lessons and actually do them with the kids. More to come!
Linking You Up

National Engineering Curricula

Favorite Books for Kids

62 Projects to Make with a Dead Computer

Janice VanCleave's Engineering

Favorite Books for Adults

How to Fossilize Your Hamster

Favorite Engineering Types with Birthdays About Now

Thomas Edison

Ben Franklin

Math for Little Engineers

We know some young and old engineers who really like this series!

Life of Fred

Khan Academy

Favorite Products

Lego Simple Robotics (2012)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Love Patiently Perseveres

Words can sometimes, in moments of grace, attain the quality of deeds. ~ Elie Wiesel 

Wrestling hard to love when it hurts. Asking, am I willing to invest when it's deeply uncomfortable? I don't want to tolerate others, nor be tolerated by others. I want to invest love where it will last. I want to invest in ways that make me, mark me, and move me. Will I choose to give a love I must daily seek to acquire? A holy love obtained solely on bended knee. And you? Where are you loving where it requires growth, grace, and sometimes groaning?

"There is no safe investment. To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly be broken.  If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one." ~ CS Lewis

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Will Travel. Take Cheetos.

 How the week passes faster than I can wink.
I'm thankful for newly finished floors.
Friday evening Cheetos game nights ought to be a tradition. 
Wow, they fall asleep fast after two gymnastics classes in one day.
I could care less about the Super Bowl.

 To get kids to sit still for pictures. Hah!
 Need a fun Friday night adventure?
We really enjoy this game, and boy we have a lot to learn!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A Theology of Everyday Life by Rahner

To love God is first and foremost shown not by our ideals, our lofty words, our introspection, but by the act that rips selfishness away from us; by caring, through which we forget ourselves on account of the other; by patience, which makes us silent and wise. People who place their small time into the heart of eternity, are always more than they appear to be, are like drops of water in which is reflected the entire sky, like signs pointing beyond themselves, like messengers running ahead of the message they are carrying and announcing the coming of eternity, like shadows of true reality that are cast over us because the real is already very near. 

Karl Rahner, S.J.

Friday, January 25, 2013

The Common Core

We will be doing a lot of reading on this in the coming year. Here's some links I'll be saving for myself and I'll be watching for more to share.

Common Core Links

As far as I can tell, the Core will be good for students in some states by raising the standards of their education. However, it will have a negative impact for students in other states or schools where standards are already higher. It could also have a potential impact on home schooled children. This is worth monitoring, as ultimately parents should have the right to make schooling decisions for their children as long at those children are showing proficiency to a reasonable standard of knowledge. For the vast majority of home schoolers, acceptable test scores are a non-issue.

As the debate rages, I try to remember that as much as I have loved our time home schooling and now our ability to mix home schooling and public school, that is not an option for everyone. I would argue it is a right of citizens and parents of our nation to home school their children if they so wish, but that's another issue entirely. Irregardless, of how we may feel about the Core, I think we can all agree that a quality education must be made available to our nation's children if we want to create healthy and whole adults, healthy families and a healthy nation.

We want healthy children who succeed when they set foot in their schools. I am again reminded of How Children Succeed by Paul Tough

Tough ends How Children Succeed dialoguing about education reform and how to best help our disadvantaged students stuck in the cycle of poverty. He makes a strong case that when education reform becomes based on child development and parent encouragement, the prosperity of our children and our nation will rise.

I find myself asking, how can I best support the children in my community I interact with today? What are my responsibilities in educating my own children and being an encouragement to my community, whether I home school or not? No matter how I  feel about the Core, how do I support the teachers I know, men and women who are part of my community? Education and learning are a mind set. Education spans our whole lives, not just 12 years. Am I living and mentoring this attitude daily?

Monday, January 21, 2013

Linking You Up

The God of the Sea and the sea monster

Yet when Job is being tossed by the waves, facing the terrible truth that even a life of faithfulness will not be without chaos, he is also on the verge of something wonderful—the reality of a God who blesses indiscriminately.  A God who is not the summation of a system of demerits and rewards, a God who does not exist as an existential Santa to hand out merit badges.  This is the God who will be fully revealed as the Father of Jesus, the One who “makes the sun to shine and the rain to fall on the just and unjust.”  The same waves that took Job down to the depths of the suffering also took him, unwittingly or not, to the brink of the greatest revelation in the history of the world—the revelation of grace.

Keep reading...

By Jonathan Martin

Everyday Moments

Send that soccer ball my way!
NOAA ships at dock

Mucking around in the bay.
Understanding erosion

Oregon State University Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport, Oregon

Sending a variety of waves at our constructed town.
  Looking forward to more classes at Hatfield in the future. 
tube worm attached to shell